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Saturday, 15 June 2013

Stop the Crime against women. Save our women !!

Being in India and talking about violence against Women. My blood boils when I listen to the crime news and about crimes happening against women every other damn minute. It was just a few months ago when the whole world witnessed the gruesome incident of a teenage girl raped in a private bus in Delhi. Now Delhi is being aliased as the crime city of India. Not just Delhi, its everywhere and the crime just doesn't stops to take its toll.

Why, Who , Cause, Reason .....there are hell lot to talk about. Some say its because girls these days have become broad minded and wear clothes which arouse men. Well, its all because of that dirty mind, ignorance and the inhumane nature of few men or animals to put it straight. Yes, there are pros and cons of everything, but why forbid girls from their freedom , "freedom to wear" to be exact. Just because a girl wears a mini skirt doesn't means she is signalling others to advance on her.

Its just because of the mindset of those few guys, who just think women are a thing and not humans. This doesn't stops only with rape. Every other minute a Women in India all over the globe is being harassed by their husbands, female employees being sexually abused for keeping their jobs, child sexual abuse, eve teasing, making contacts in public. There is no end to it.

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